Friends and fam - fans of artists and trailblazer women join me and Jaadasss for a chat with one and only - Sara "Sparky" Baumann (@sarasbaumann) - as always we'll chat about her journey to art and onchain but also how she got from therapist to full time artist. (there's Gary Vee involved)
Don't miss the real chance to connect with lovely artists in an intimate audio room setting.
LOKALSPACE shared an event
2mo • "Artist Spotlight" with Sara "Sparky" Baumann
2mo • "Artist Spotlight" with Sara "Sparky" Baumann
You will not want to miss this fam - tomorrow (Tue)
we're going to chat with one and only @sarasbaumann! The founder of WomenAndWeapons, therapist turned full time artist and all around wonderful positive person.
Spread the word and come and join us tomorrow at 7pm (BST)!
My lovely cohost @jaadasss will be there too!